Page 6 - PowerE-L01-C
P. 6

Lesson 02

           You must always wear

                       your uniform.

           * Dialogue

              A: Before you begin your new job, I'll tell you something.
              B: What's that?
              A: There are two important rules here at Ike's Ice Cream Shop.

              B: Okay.
              A: First of all, you must always wear your uniform.
              B: All right. What’s the other rule?
              A: Also, you must not make the sundaes too big.
              B: I see.

           * Expressions

           - First of all
                = First and foremost
                = Most of all        = Firstly
                = To begin / start with                      Vocabulary &
           - I understand.                               rule
                = I see.      = Oh, yes.

                = I got it.              = I know.       foremost

           Other Expressions: I hear you.
                = I hear what you’re saying.
                = I see what you’re saying.
                = I see what you mean.

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