Page 14 - BenchMark_4-2
P. 14

What Is Happening at the Coffee Farm?

                                                                                                           Focus     What does Pablo do to help the

                                                                                                                     coffee plants be green again?

                                                                                                            e.g. He writes a song for the coffee
                                                                                                                     plants. / He plays music for the

                                                                                                                     coffee plants.

                                                                 n. an area of land used for growing crops or raising animals
                    Pablo’s dad has a coffee farm. Pablo and his sister

                                                                                                              n. a straight line of things or people
             Camila help him there. There are rows and rows of

             coffee plants.

                                                                                                            Unit 1 | What Is Happening at the Coffee Farm?
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