Page 207 - BenchMark_4-2
P. 207

Naming Planet X

                  That day, they eagerly looked through books on

           Greek and Roman myths.

                                                                                          n. a female god who ancient people prayed to
                  “I like the idea of naming the planet after a goddess,

           like Venus,” said Venetia’s grandfather.

           “All the other planets are named

                                                                                            to offer an idea
           after gods. We could suggest                                                                                 Check

           Minerva, the goddess of wisdom.”                                                                             What is Venetia’s grandfather’s

                                                                                                                        idea for naming the new planet?

                                                                                                                        His idea is to name the planet
                                                                                                                        after the goddess Minerva.

                                                                                                                                                   Unit 6 | Naming Planet X
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