Page 280 - BenchMark_4-2
P. 280

I Dance to Tell the World’s Stories

          Focus    What does Tilda do? Why does she
                   travel around the world?

           e.g. She is a ballet dancer. She does

                   different shows for different countries.

                                              My name is Tilda, and

                                                 n. a type of dance that tells a story with graceful movements
                                       I’m a ballet dancer. Last

                                       year, my dance company went on a world

                            n. a trip that musicians or dancers make to put on a show in different places
                                       tour                                                             audiences
                                       tour. We danced for audiences in four cities.

                                                          n. a group of people watching something such as a show

                                                                                                                      Unit 8 | I Dance to Tell the World’s Stories
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