Page 337 - BenchMark_4-2
P. 337


      Fill in the blanks to complete the summary.

                                                                                                in front of cameras
        Sarah’s chicken Adele is performing _________________________ for a movie. She

        has to jump onto a kitchen counter, walk across it, look into the camera at

                            director’s cue
        the _________________________, and jump into a straw hat. Sarah has trained her

        to do this because she is a chicken wrangler and this is her job. The director

                                            some directions
        gives Sarah _________________________ for Adele to change what she does. Sarah

        hopes _________________________ a good job.
                                  Adele can do

           some directions      director’s cue      in front of cameras      Adele can do

                                                                                                                                    Unit 9 | A Chicken Wrangler’s Day
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