Page 92 - BenchMark_4-2
P. 92

Padma’s Paddy

                  They seemed proud but looked worried.

                  “Padma,” my father said. “We’re so proud of you, but

                                           to be able to pay for something
           we can’t afford a plane ticket. That would take all the
            n. money that you make by selling products
           profit from our rice crop.”
           profit                                                        crop

                                                          the harvest of farm products such as rice, fruits, or vegetables
                  How quickly happiness can turn

           to sadness!                               Check

                                                     What is Padma and her family’s problem?

                                                     They don’t have enough money for a

                                                     plane ticket.

                                                                                                                                                       Unit 3 | Padma’s Paddy
   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97