Page 109 - Benchmark-4.1
P. 109
Reading Skill: Topic and Key Details
The topic is the subject of the passage or what the
Complete the details on sounds that animals make. passage is mainly about. It is usually just a word or
short phrase. The key details are specific
information (details) that tells about the topic.
Topic Why and How Animals Make Sounds
• To ____________________ with one another
Detail 1 • To ____________________ predators
Why • To ____________________ about danger
• To have fun
• To share food
• Crickets rub their ____________________.
Detail 2 • Frogs use a sac under their mouths.
How • Rattlesnakes use their ____________________.
• Elephants use their mouths, ____________________, and feet.
warn communicate scare trunks tails wings
Unit 3 | Different Animals, Different Sounds