Page 70 - Benchmark-4.1
P. 70
Reading Skill: Topic and Key Details
Complete the details on sound based on the passage. The topic is the subject of the passage or what the
passage is mainly about. It is usually just a word or
short phrase. The key details are specific information
(details) that tells about the topic.
Topic What Sound Is and Why It Is Important
• Some sounds are loud.
Detail 1 • Some sounds are ___________________.
Different types of sounds
• Sounds can be ___________________.
• Sounds can be low.
Detail 2 • Sounds travel through _____________________.
How sounds travel • Sounds travel through _____________________.
Detail 3 • Sounds help us tell other people ___________________.
Why sounds are important • Sounds let us know ______________________.
the air high the water what we think soft what is happening
Unit 2 | Listening to Sound