Page 47 - OPIC-Begin
P. 47

Answer 2:
             I enjoy shopping at the malls. I can see many shops in this area where I can buy things at a very
             affordable price. The place I often visit has an underground arcade with many shops that cater to
             the latest in fashion. Most Korean teens go here because of festivities like the Pusan International
             Film Festival. I am a consistent audience of this festival so I can see local and international stars.

            Points to emphasize in answering:

                 Mention the type of shopping place you visit.
                          Example: I enjoy shopping at the malls.

                 Illustrate the specific feature of the place and why it is popular.
                          Example: It has an underground arcade with many shops that cater the latest
                          in fashion.

                affordable - something that can be managed to be paid                                            arcade - a covered
                passage with stores on both sides                                                                      cater - to provide what is needed
                by a particular group of people
                stars - refer to very famous and successful performers, especially in sports or entertainment   consistent
                - regular or constant

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