Page 75 - OPIC-Begin
P. 75

Answer 2:
             I don’t exercise a lot. I’m very busy at work. I walk for ten minutes before and after work. That is
             my only exercise. I don’t burn calories. When I get tired, I eat tasty snacks. That is why I become
             fat and heavier. This makes me feel sad about my health. I like to have a fit body. However, I
             don’t have time. My schedule keeps me from exercising.

            Points to emphasize in answering:
                 Answer the question directly and support it with details.
                 -Tell the main reason why you can’t exercise.
                          [example: I’m very busy at work.]

                 You may share the effects of not exercising.
                          [example: That is why I become fat.]

                 Conclude the discussion.
                          [example: My schedule keeps me from exercising.]

                busy - full of activity
                burn calories - spend energy
                fat - chubby, not thin
                schedule - planned or timed actions
                keep from exercising - prevent exercising

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