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P. 86

Chapter 6 Hobbies and Interest

                   Unit 7: Traveling / Going on Vacation

          Question: Touring different places can be fun. It could be one way of
          learning new things. You may want to share a few things about traveling
          abroad or visiting nice places in your country.

              Answer 1:
               I love traveling. I travel domestically. It would be better to reach tourist spots in your own country
               before touring places abroad. I hike in mountains with my family. Sometimes, I am with my colleagues.
               I also go to beaches. My last trip was in Jeju Island. The scenery was awesome! I took many
               pictures of the island. I also went snorkeling. It was a memorable experience!

              Points to emphasize in answering:

                   Answer the question directly.
                           [example: Yes, I love traveling.]

                   Give a general answer and develop it with details.
                   - Do you like traveling domestically or abroad?
                           [example: I travel domestically.]

                   - Where do you usually go? With whom?
                           [example: I hike in mountains with my family.]

                   Share a memorable trip. Provide details.
                           [example: My last trip was in Jeju Island. The scenery was awesome

                domestically - within the country
                spot - particular place or area
                hike - trek or walk for a long time, usually in mountains
                colleagues - work mates or friends
                scenery - landscape or view
                awesome - showing wonder; inspiring
                snorkeling - an underwater activity
                memorable - unforgettable

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