Page 182 - Benchmark-2.3
P. 182

Reading Skill: Reality and Fantasy

                                                                                                                                  Reality is something that actually happens. Fantasy

      Put the number of each sentence in the correct box.                                                                         is something that a person imagines or thinks of
                                                                                                                                  but does not actually take place.

                                              Reality                                                                               Fantasy

                      1. Carla does chores to make money.

                      2. Carla imagines buying a teddy bear.

                      3. Carla thinks about buying a necklace.

                      4. Carla buys a piggy bank for Marcela.

                      5. Carla thinks about getting a new book.

                      6. Carla puts coins in her piggy bank every day.

                                                                                                                                                 Unit 7 | Carla’s Piggy Bank
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