Page 209 - Benchmark-2.3
P. 209

Reading Skill: Cause and Effect

                                                                                                 A cause is the reason that something happens. An effect is the result
      Match the causes and the effects.                                                          of the cause. There can often be several different effects of one


                                             Cause                                                                                        Effect

          1. David needs more                                                                              a     Dad gives David three

                   nickels.                                                                                      nickels.

          2. David still needs                                                                            b      Julia only buys one thing.

                   more nickels.

          3. Julia does not have                                                                           c     Julia gives David four

                   enough nickels.                                                                               nickels.

                                                                                                                    Unit 8 | Shopping with the Nicholas Family
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