Page 15 - Exam-2nd-2023-Mar
P. 15

No . 24

                   What is the most appropriate title for the next

                   article? (다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?)

              ① Stop Judging Others to Win the Race of Life

              ② Why Disappointment Hurts More than Criticism

              ③ Winning vs. Losing: A Dangerously Misleading


              ④ Winners in a Trap: Too Self‑Conscious to Be


              ⑤ Is Honesty the Best Policy to Turn Enemies into


                      self‑conscious                               weakness 약점

                      자의식의, 자의식이 강한                                personality 성격

                      awareness 인식                                 role model 본보기
                                                                   at the expense of
                      mess up 망치다

                      rough 난폭한, 거친                                ~을 희생하면서

                      observe 관찰하다                                 please 기쁘게 하다

                      flaw 실수, 결점                                  permanently 영원히
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