Page 181 - BenchMark_4-3
P. 181
Reading Skill: Making Inferences Making inferences requires the readers to
read a passage and then to understand what
the author is implying in the text. So they
must understand the unstated information at
the passage that the author only hints at.
Match the sentences with their possible inferences based on the passage.
1. Some adults kept Breanna’s Some students may save
heart beating until an ⓐ people’s lives in the future.
ambulance arrived.
2. Breanna had surgery to fix ⓑ Breanna had a serious
her heart at a hospital. medical condition.
3. Breanna felt grateful to be ⓒ Breanna would have died
alive. without the adults’ help.
4. A new law requires high
school students in Maryland ⓓ Breanna appreciated the
to know CPR. help everyone gave her.
Unit 5 | Breanna’s Law