Page 403 - BenchMark_4-3
P. 403
Reading Skill: Topic and Key Details The topic is the subject of
the passage or what the
passage is mainly about.
It is usually just a word or
Match the details with the correct natural wonders on land. short phrase. The key
details are specific
Topic Natural Wonders on Land information (details) that
tells about the topic.
The Grand Parícutin
Canyon Mt. Everest Volcano
ⓑ ⓒ ⓐ ⓔ ⓓ ⓕ
ⓐ It is the tallest mountain in the world.
ⓑ Wind, rain, and ice are changing it today.
ⓒ Its walls were carved by the Colorado River.
ⓓ There is a chance that it will erupt again in the future.
ⓔ It is dangerous because of the freezing cold and snowstorms.
ⓕ It erupted for nine years after forming.
Unit 11 | Wonders on Land