Page 441 - BenchMark_4-3
P. 441
Reading Skill: Topic and Key Details The topic is the subject of the passage
or what the passage is mainly about. It
is usually just a word or short phrase.
The key details are specific information
(details) that tells about the topic.
Complete the details of each natural wonder in the water and the sky.
Topic Natural Wonders in the Water and the Sky
• It is large and beautiful and reaches far from the
Detail 1 ___________________.
Rio Harbor
• It is beside an unusual mountain called ___________________.
Sugar Loaf
grows slowly
Detail 2 • It took millions of years to form because it ___________________.
Great Barrier • Both humans and sea animals are responsible for
Reef ___________________ it.
Detail 3 • People can see it far to the north in the ___________________.
Arctic Circle
The Northern
electrical charge
Lights • It glows because of the ___________________ in some gases.
Arctic Circle Sugar Loaf water destroying
electrical charge grows slowly
Unit 12 | Watery and Sky Wonders