Page 47 - Exam-1st-2023-Jun
P. 47

No .40

                What is the most appropriate word to fill in the

                blanks (A) and (B)?

                (빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?)

             Unlike the common belief, defining foods as good or

             bad is not     (A)     ; in fact, a healthy diet is determined

             largely by what the diet is        (B)       .

                                   (A)                                               (B)

                         ① incorrect                 ····           limited to

                         ② appropriate            ····           composed of

                         ③ wrong                      ····           aimed at

                         ④ appropriate            ····          tested on

                         ⑤ incorrect                 ····          adjusted to

                  tlabel (라벨을 붙여) 분류하다

                  nutrient 영양소
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