Page 162 - 4-1.5 ESPE-Intermediate-book1.5
P. 162
Yutnori (윷놀이)
Yutnori is one of the most popular traditional
games in Korea, most commonly played on the
first day of the Lunar New Year. It is played with
four wooden sticks, which operate similarly to
dice. Each player or team will take turns throwing
the yut sticks, which are round on one side and
flat on the other.
There are five different possible combinations Comprehension Check:
the player can get when throwing the sticks: do, Answer in complete sentences.
gae, geol, yut, and mo. If the player manages to 1. When is the game yutnori
throw the “yut” combination, they get to throw the commonly played?
sticks again. The sticks are thrown over a board ____________________.
game, the combination and landing of the sticks 2. Explain to the teacher how is it
determining how the player or team gets to move played.
their pieces on the board. ____________________.