Page 55 - SB_G2.2_M3-4_Flip
P. 55

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                   I Respectfully Disagree!

                   READ  What is the topic of this text?

                      Have you and a friend ever had different opinions about

                   something? Of course you have! Everyone has an opinion.
                                                                                                                Close Reading Tip

                   Sometimes a friend’s opinion won’t match yours. It is                                        Circle words you

                                                                                                                don’t know. Then
                   important to be respectful when this happens. Remember to                                    figure them out. If

                   be polite and caring. Just because he or she has a different                                 you need to, look
                                                                                                                them up in a
                   opinion doesn’t mean you can’t still be friends!                                             dictionary.

                                                     CHECK MY UNDERSTANDING

                       What is the text mainly about?

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