Page 28 - PowerE-L03-F
P. 28

Lesson  7



                       Life is about choices and in choosing we make decisions. Decisions are vital
                part of our daily living. It is where our survival depends. They can be as simple as
                deciding what to have during breakfast; would it be cornflakes or cereal? In contrast,
                some even require time and careful thinking because of the consequences one have
                to deal with.
                       Thus, we need some techniques on how to effectively come up with a good
                decision. Six Thinking Hats, which was created by Edward de Bono, is a powerful tool
                which aids us to look at important decisions from a number of different perspectives. It
                helps us make better decisions by making us see the whole picture and understanding
                the whole complexity of the situation.


                * Comma - a mark of punctuation used for indicating a division in a sentence.
                Jeanne Smith, who has never had any political experience, is running for
                the post of town mayor.
                       ► Use a pair of commas to set off nonessential words, phrases, or clauses
                              also called non-restrictive elements--that interrupt a sentence.

                     Questions                                                          Keywords

                                                                                    therapy / excessive /
               1. What was the major decision you’ve made so far?                      unreasonable
               2. Was the outcome positive? Tell me about it.
               3. What are the things you considered before making a decision?
               4. Do you try to seek advice before making any major decisions? From whom?
               5. Are you compulsive when it comes to decision making?

                     Sample Answers                                              Vocabulary & Expressions

               1. I had to choose carefully what major I would take            Elicit - to draw or bring out
                                                                               Anxiety - it is state of mind charac-
                   in my college.                                              terize by uneasiness and distress
               2. I’m happy with the outcome of my choice; I greatly           Hinder - to interrupt
                                                                               Scared to death - very scared
                   enjoyed and learned a great deal from my studies.
               3. I think of the possible outcomes and deciding which one
                   would benefit me the most or which is the lesser evil.
               4. Yes, I ask my parents and friends for advices because
                   they know me better and would just want the best for me.
               5. No. I think about things carefully before acting on them and I am not easily
                   influenced by others.

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