Page 80 - PowerE-L03-F
P. 80

Lesson  20


                                                        Lucky Charms

                                                                  I  always  wear  the  crystal  bracelet
                                                        my mother gave me. She said that if I want
                                                        to  attract  luck  and  positive  energy,  I  should
                                                        always  have  it  with  me. They  are  known  to
                                                        protect the bearer from negative energy and
                                                        ward off evils. Crystals have healing powers
               too. For centuries, people have been using it to heal and cure sicknesses.

                       It is really hard to believe how a stone have an influence on you and your
               environment. But you should never depend on lucky charms alone. You still
               need to give your best.


               Possessive pronouns are used to substitute a noun and to show
               possession or ownership.
                                   ► Yours, his, hers, its, ours, and theirs

                     Questions                                                          Keywords

                                                                                       signal / clues /
               1. What are lucky charms?                                             interpreted / adapt
               2. Do you believe in lucky charms?
               3. What kind of charm do you keep?
               4. Why lucky charms are popular?
               5.  Do you have any practices that is said to bring luck?

                                                                                Vocabulary & Expressions

                     Sample Answers                                              Ward off - to protect from
                                                                                 Amulet - a protecting charm

               1. Lucky charms are form of amulet use to ward of evils and protect the
                   person who wears it.
               2. No, because it’s against our religion.

               3. A lucky coin I picked up on the street.
               4. Because everybody hopes of attracting wealth.
               5. I apply the principle of Feng-shui when I had my house built.

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