Page 68 - PowerE-L03-A
P. 68

Lesson  17



                                                            Many people enjoy hobbies so that

                                                            they won’t get bored.
                                                            There are a lot of hobbies we can

                                                            choose from.
                                                            There are indoor and outdoor hobbies.

                                                            Hobbies give people excitement
                                                            and fun in their lives.

                     Grammar                                                                bored / choose /

               *There is / There are                                                         outdoor / give
               In sentences which say that something exists (or does not exist) somewhere,
               we usually use there as a kind of preparatory subject and put the real subject
               after the verb.
                       ► There are some people outside.
                       ► There is a computer on my desk.
               *give + someone + something = give + something + to someone

                       ► Math teacher gave me a good grade.
                       (= Math teacher gave a good grade to me.)


               1. What are your hobbies?
               2. When did you start your hobby?                                         Vocabulary &
               3. When do you enjoy your hobby?                                           Expressions
               4. Which one do you prefer, indoor hobbies or
                 outdoor hobbies? Why?                                             be bored: To be tired and
                                                                                   impatient because you lost
               5. Do you enjoy your hobbies alone or with your                     interest in something (= get
                 friends?                                                          bored)
                                                                                   indoor: Located or taking
                     Sample Answers                                                place within a building
                                                                                   outdoor: Located or taking
               1. My hobbies are playing the guitar and composing                  place in the open air
                 songs.                                                            prefer: To like someone or
                                                                                   something better than
               2. I started my hobby when I was in high school.                    another
               3. I enjoy my hobby mostly on the weekend.                          compose: To write a piece
               4. I prefer outdoor hobbies because they make me                    of music
                 physically healthy.
               5. I enjoy my hobbies with my friends. It’s more exciting.

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