Page 22 - Benchmark-2.2
P. 22

Reading Skill: Problem and Solution

      Write the correct words to complete the problems and the solutions.

                                                                                                                                          A story has one or more problems for the
                                            Problem                                                        Solution                       characters to solve. The solution is the way that a
                                                                                                                                          character in the story fixes or solves a problem.

             Albert’s nest is too                                                                      He decides to make a new nest.


             Albert cannot pick up the


                                                                                                       He looks for something different.
            Albert cannot get the leaves.
                                                                                                       He makes a nest out of grass.

            The ________________ is too

            big, and Albert is too small.

                                                              small          wood          rocks

                                                                                                                                                          Unit 1 | Albert’s Nest
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