Page 48 - PowerE-L05-C
P. 48

Lesson  12

               Expressing feelings

                                            Do you express your romantic feelings of love or affection?

                                        Or do you keep them bottled up inside, but showing it non-
                                        verbally? Are you the type who writes love letters filled with

                                        yearning emotions? Or do you keep it unsaid expecting your

                                        love to be implied and understood? For many people, it’s im-
                                        portant to show how you feel, to tell it and to talk about it with

                                        your friend, your lover, or your parents. Of course, words with-
                                        out actions are mere noise. Usually, humans are pleased with

               the acquaintances’ verbal praise. This is a universal truth. But aren’t words important
               too, and wouldn’t they make a great combination with actions? Having been brought

               up to be inexpressive, many Koreans find it quite odd to say “I love you” to their loved
               ones. Of course, it doesn’t mean that these people are not affectionate, only that they

               aren’t vocal about it. I heard this story about a couple married for 20 years. When
               they drove in silence, out of the blue, the husband said, “Honey, I love you.” Upon

               hearing this for the first time in 20 years, the wife was caught in a sudden surprise

               and she hit a tree. The point is, love expressed in words take on a great impact when
               said at an unexpected moment, not frequently and predictably. On the other hand, it

               doesn’t hurt to say I love you as much as you can. In fact, it can do a world of good.


               1. What types of people does the writer mention regarding to expressing
                   romantic feeling of love?
               2. According to the paragraph, when does love have a great impact?

               1. What do you think about expressing feelings?

               2. What do you think about expressing anger?
               3. What are the merits and demerits when expressing feelings freely?
               4. What type of person are you regarding the expressing romantic feeling?

                                                 Vocabulary & Expressions

                     affection : a gentle feeling of love and caring
                     mere : used to emphasize how small or unimportant something or someone is
                     vocal : protesting or complaining strongly and loudly about something
                     impact : the effect or influence that an event
                     predictable : if the result of something is predictable, you know what it will be before it happens
                                     (adv. predictably)

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