Page 72 - PowerE-L05-C
P. 72
Lesson 18
What do you look for in a mate? What are the qualities
that you desire in a potential mate? It’s a universal human trait
to be fascinated with physical beauty: a beautiful face, a volup-
tuous figure, nice legs, and many more superficial things. Men
are visual creatures and they can’t help but be drawn to what
appeals to their eyes. Women, on the other hand, tend to be more emotional; they rely on
their feelings and moods to make choices. However, we can’t stereotype men and women in
this particular way because we have a whole range of personality types: the cognitive who
are drawn to the mental or the academic, and the auditory who fall in love with people with
pleasant voices. There are a lot more personality types, you name it and chances are, they
exist. It is tough to predict the preference of both genders searching for a mate due to the
changes. For instance, a school girl who used to go “gaga” over a teen idol would prefer a
regular guy with good economic ability and a stable job when she reaches a marriageable
age. A boy who used to drool over a pin-up babe would lose interest in her and choose a
woman with a great personality instead when he gets emotionally matured. Looking for a
mate is an important decision because it can spell happiness or disaster in our life. At this
time of high divorce rates,” instant marriages” and “disposable spouses,” love becomes a
highly sought commodity. After all, compatibility is what we all seek.
1. How do we stereotype men and women?
2. What do both men and women look for in a mate when they are at the
marriageable age?
1. What kind of person are you? Are you the visual type or emotional type?
2. What turns you on and what turns you off?
3. How important is love to you when getting married?
4. What is your ideal mate like?
Vocabulary & Expressions
trait : a particular quality in someone’s character
voluptuous : a woman who is voluptuous has large breasts and a soft curved body
superficial : seeming to have a particular appearance at first, although this is not true or real
stereotype : to decide, usually unfairly, that certain people have particular qualities or abilities be
cause they belong to a particular race, sex or social class
gaga : having a strong but often temporary feeling of love for someone
drool over : to show great pleasure in looking at someone or something
disposable : intended to be used once or for a short time and then thrown away
commodity : a product that can be sold to make a profit
compatibility : the ability to exist or be used together without causing problems