Page 16 - PwerE-02-C
P. 16

Lesson  4



                                                     I always go skiing in the winter.

                                                     I like watching sports more than playing them.
                                                     I’m a great fan of soccer.

                                                     My friends and I get together to go golfing on


               * I like watching sports more than playing them.

                 저는 직접 경기하는 것보다 보는 걸 더 좋아해요.
                       ►   I’d rather watch sports than play.

               * I’m a great fan of soccer. 저는 축구 팬이에요.
                       ►   I’m crazy about soccer. = I go nuts about soccer.

               * My friends and I get together to go golfing on Saturdays.
                 토요일마다 친구들과 골프쳐요.
                       ►   My friends and I go golfing every Saturday.


               1. What’s your favorite sport?
               2. Which one do you prefer, watching sports or playing sports? Why?
               3. What sport did you play with your friends when you were young?
               4. Have you ever learned how to golf? If so, do you still enjoy it?
               5. Do you exercise regularly?

                                                                                 Vocabulary & Expressions
                     Sample Answer                                                 crazy about : 열광적인

                                                                                   go nuts : 열중하다, 미치다
                1. My favorite sport is soccer.
                2. I prefer playing sports because it’s more exciting.
                3. When I was young, I played baseball with my friends.
                4. Yes, I’ve learned it and I go golfing at least once a month.
                5. Not really, but I’m trying to work out about three times a week.

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