Page 32 - PwerE-02-C
P. 32
Lesson 8
I like to drive when it’s raining.
My family goes for a drive on weekends.
I sometimes drive to the suburb for refreshment.
I prefer driving to using public transportations.
* Would you like to go for a drive? 드라이브 하실래요?
► Let’s go for a drive / ride.
► How about going for a drive / ride?
► Let’s go for a spin.
* I’ll drive you home. 집까지 바래다 드릴께요.
► I’ll take you home.
► I’ll escort you.
► Let me take you home.
1. Do you like to drive?
2. When did you get your driver’s license?
3. Where do you usually drive to?
4. Which one do you prefer, driving to work or using
public transportations? Why?
5. Who do you usually go for a drive with?
Sample Answer Vocabulary & Expressions
suburb : 교외, 시외
1. Yes, I like to drive. refreshment : 기분을 상괘하게 함
2. I got my driver’s license in 1997. escort : 바래다 주다, 동행하다
3. I usually go for a drive to the suburb.
4. I prefer using public transportations because
I hate being stuck in a traffic jam.
5. I usually go for a drive with my girlfriend.