Page 45 - PwerE-02-C
P. 45
Give the word that gives the same meaning as the underlined
1. It is risky driving fast on the road when it is raining.
A. dangerous B. safe C. fine
2. Her car almost skidded off during the storm.
A. to slip sideways B. to be on track C. to slow down
on the road
3. Motorists who do not obey traffic rules could get hurt.
A. drivers B. passengers C. chauffer
4. Violation of these rules can cause accidents.
A. obeying B. to break C. to obey
5. A medical team came to rescue the victims.
A. to abandon B. to save C. to leave
Correct the grammatical error in the sentence with the right
1. Make sure to drive in the right speed.
A. to B. of C. at
2. The motorcycle crashed upon the ten wheeler.
A. into B. in C. to
3. Please fast your seatbelts before take off.
A. faster B. fastened C. fasten
4. Turn of your cell phone while driving.
A. off B. for C. to
5. The sleep truck driver did not see the car in front of him.
A. sleeps B. sleepy C. sleeper