Page 76 - PwerE-02-C
P. 76
Lesson 19
Coffee Break
I have a coffee break 3 times a day.
I get some fresh air during the coffee break.
Some of my colleagues smoke during the
coffee break.
Let’s go for a cup of coffee.
Other Expressions
* Let’s go for a cup of coffee. 커피 한 잔 하죠.
► How about some coffee? I’d better get some fresh air.
► Would you like to have a coffee break? 머리 좀 식혀야겠어요.
► I need some fresh air.
► I have to go freshen up a bit.
► Let’s get some fresh air.
1. Do you care for coffee?
2. How many cups of coffee do you have in a day?
3. What do you usually do during your break?
4. Have you ever suffered from insomnia because of coffee?
5. What other drinks do you like?
Sample Answer Vocabulary & Expressions
1. Yes, I like it very much. freshen up : 새로이 힘을 북돋우다
2. I have about 3 cups of coffee in a day. suffer from : ~로 고생하다,괴로워하다
3. I usually smoke or drink coffee. insomnia : 불면증
4. Yes, when I have more than 3 cups of coffee,
I have a hard time sleeping.
5. I like various teas such as green tea and jasmine tea.