Page 8 - PwerE-02-C
P. 8
Lesson 2
Taking Pictures
One of my hobbies is taking pictures.
We need someone to take our picture.
We took pictures with a film camera when
I was young.
People use a digital camera these days.
* We need someone to take our picture.
사진 찍어 줄 사람이 필요해요. Other Expressions
► Let’s ask someone to take our As soon as I get the film developed,
picture. I’ll give it to you. 사진 나오면 드릴게요.
► Why don’t we ask that man over ► I’ll give the pictures to you
when I get them developed.
there to take our picture?
저 사람에게 부탁하죠.
► We should ask someone to take
our picture.
1. Do you like taking pictures?
2. What kind of camera do you have?
3. Which one do you prefer, a digital camera or a film camera? Why?
4. What are some of the merits of using a digital camera?
5. What are some of the demerits of using a digital camera?
Sample Answer Vocabulary & Expressions
1. Yes, I like taking pictures. develop : 사진을 현상하다
2. I have a Canon digital camera with 8.0 instantly : 즉시로 (immediately)
mega pixel.
3. I prefer a digital camera because it’s more convenient.
4. We can see pictures instantly, and save or erase the chosen pictures.
5. If we don’t develop or save pictures, we might lose them.