Page 36 - PowerE-L04-E
P. 36
Lesson 9
A crime refers to a violation of the law, usually of a serious nature. It is
an offense. The one who commits crime is punishable by law after the sus-
pect has been proven guilty. The suspected person involved in a crime will
undergo investigation and will be judged whether he or she is guilty or not.
Victims or witnesses of crimes might be deterred from taking any action if
they fear retaliation. Even in policed societies, fear may inhibit reporting or
co-operation in a trial.
1. What is a crime?
2. What do you call the person that is being linked to a crime?
1. What does “serious nature” mean?
2. What does a crime witness or a victim fear of?
3. What crimes do you hate the most?
4. Have you ever been a victim of a crime?
Vocabulary & Expressions
violation - Ravishment/break a promise or rule.
suspect - Mistrusted person/people.
punishable - to impose a penalty or for a fault or offense
proven - to establish the existence, truth, validity.
inhibit - to prohibit from doing something.