Page 60 - PowerE-L04-E
P. 60

Lesson  15


                                                    Imprisonment is a legal penalty that may be im-

                                               posed  by  the  state  for  the  commission  of  a  crime.

                                               A criminal suspect who has been charged with or is

                                               likely to be charged with a criminal offense may be

                                               held on remand in prison if he/she is denied, refused

                                               or unable to meet the conditions of bail. People given

                                               the said  penalty would  likely be staying inside  a

                                               penitentiary or a  correctional facility.


               1. Where would a guilty suspect stay if he was given the penalty of

               2. Who has the power to give a penalty of imprisonment?


               1. What will happen to a criminal suspect if he wasn’t able to meet the
                 conditions of bail?

               2. Do you think imprisonment makes a person better or worse? Why?

               3. Do you think animals should be put inside cages?

                                                  Vocabulary & Expressions

                             bail - The temporary release of a prisoner in exchange for security given for
                             the due appearance of the prisoner.
                             condition - A certain requirement to fulfill a specific objective or goal.
                             imposed - To apply by an authority.
                             remand - to order back.
                             likely - having a high probability or occurring or being true.

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