Page 78 - PowerE-L04-E
P. 78

Lesson  19


                    Arrange the words in the proper order to make a sentence that
                    answers the question.

                    1.   Have you been accused before of something you did not do?


                          been, I, have, wrongly, accused, yes, before

                    2.   What did you feel then?


                          I, bothered, and, felt, confused

                    3.   What would you feel if a close friend accused you of something
                          you did not do?


                          bad, feel, really, would, I

                    4.   Did it ever happen to you?


                          yet, it, didn’t, fortunately, happen

                    5.   Have you ever accused someone wrongly?


                          I, couple, times, had, a, yes, of

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