Page 87 - PowerE-L04-E
P. 87
4. exhortation (An exhortation is a speech or discourse that
encourages, incites, or earnestly advises.)
5. earnest (Earnest means serious.)
Grammar p.75
1. C. An (Use the article “an” for singular indefinite nouns. It is used before
a word that starts with a vowel sound.)
2. A. serious (An adjective should be used here to modify the noun “offense”.)
3. C. Traditionally (An adverb should be used here.)
4. C. issued (The past participle of the verb should be used in the passive voice.)
5. B. In (Use the preposition “in” before as specific name of a country.)
Exercises p.76
1. Yes, I have been wrongly accused before.
2. I felt bothered and confused. / I felt confused and bothered.
3. I would feel really bad.
4. Fortunately, it didn’t happen yet.
5. Yes, I had a couple of times.
Reading Comprehension p.77
1. C. offence made
2. D. a judge
3. A. a lengthy trial
4. A. in order to prove that something wrong was done
5. B. investigations
Lesson 20
Vocabulary p.79
1. philosophical (Philosophical is a characteristic of a philosopher, as in equanimity,
enlightenment, and wisdom.)
2. justice (Justice is the principle of moral rightness.)
3. magistrate (A magistrate is an official entrusted with administration of the laws.)
4. equitable (Equitable means fair.)
5. theological (Theological is related to theology or to specialized religious study.)
Grammar p.79
1. C. rightness (The noun form of the word is needed here.)
2. B. based (The past participle of the verb should be used in the passive voice.)
3. A. proper (An adjective is needed here to modify the noun “ordering”.)
4. A. history (The noun form of the word is needed here.)
5. B. important (An adjective is needed here to modify the pronoun “it’.)
Exercises p.80
1. C
2. B
3. A
4. E
5. D
Reading Comprehension p.80
1. False (Justice means equitable and fair.)
2. True
3. False (Justice is a magistrate.)
4. True
5. False (Justice is the first virtue of social institutions, as truth is of systems
of thought.)