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4 Second, the empty green space a park in their last neighborhood.
is ugly and dangerous. It’s full of “Before the project, people hardly
overgrown weeds, broken glass, knew each other,” Sophie says. “Then
and other trash. It’s a real hazard we worked together, and we all got
to children and pets. Building a park to be great friends!”
there will change a trash heap into 6 I’ll be doing outreach around the
a place every resident can be proud neighborhood next week. If you
of. Picture a green, shady place support a new park and want to help
where grown-ups can relax, kids and make it happen, please sign my
dogs can play, and cats can . . . do petition. Let’s all work together to
whatever cats do. Sounds nice, make our community safer, friendlier,
doesn’t it? and more fun!
5 Finally, a new park will build
fellowship in our community.
Working toward a common goal
can really bring people together. Gazebo
Sophie and Kendall Vu, new
residents, told me they helped build
Basketball Courts
Tennis Courts Recreation Center