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allan drummond
Respond energy myNotes
to the
Collaborative Discussion
Look back at page 144. Tell a partner what you learned. Then island
How One Community Harnessed the Wind and Changed Their World
work with a group to discuss the questions below. Use details 3re_se_m7_energyisland.indd 145 2/26/2018 1:23:41 AM
from Energy Island to support your ideas. Take notes and use
them to respond.
1 Review pages 150–153. What evidence shows that the
children of Samsø are more excited about the energy
project than the grownups?
Listening Tip
If you can’t hear
someone in your
group easily, ask
2 Compare the way the people of Samsø used energy at that person to
the beginning of Energy Island with how they met their speak a little
energy goals after the storm. What changed?
Speaking Tip
3 Review pages 160–162. How does the author show that Say your ideas
the island is a good example for others? What evidence clearly and at a
shows that others share the author’s point of view? pace that isn’t too
fast or too slow.