Page 20 - PowerE-L03-C
P. 20
Lesson 5
We take painkillers to reduce our pain.
Medicines help relieve the pain immediately.
We should go to a drugstore with a prescription.
People have to be cautious of overdose when
taking medicine.
*Infinitive clauses of purpose: We often use an infinitive to talk about a
person’s purpose – why he or she does something.
► I sat down to rest.
► To switch on, press the red button.
► I’m going to Austria to learn German. Keywords
reduce / relieve /
Questions prescription /
cautious / taking
1. Why should we take medicines in a proper way?
2. Do we have to get the prescription
for some medicines?
3. What kind of painkiller do you take?
4. Where do you buy medicines in your country? Vocabulary &
5. Do we have to know the right dosage before
taking the medicine? prescription: A piece of pa-
per on which a doctor writes
what medicine a sick person
Sample Answers should have so that they
can get it from a pharmacist
overdose: Too much of a
1. Medicines should be taken in a proper way to drug taken at one time
prevent side effects. dosage: The amount of
medicine that you should
2. Yes, some medicines are not over the counter. take at one time
over the counter: Drugs,
3. I always take Tylenol. I think it works for me. medicines,
4. I usually buy them at the drugstore or pharmacy. etc. that are bought in a
shop without a
5. Yes, so you can avoid poisoning or addiction. prescription from a doctor