Page 32 - PowerE-L03-C
P. 32

Lesson  8



                                                       I do the laundry once a week.
                                                       My mother has a lot of housework to do.
                                                       I sent my suits and ties to the dry cleaner.

                                                       We have to take out recycled cans every



               *Verbs with two objects: Many verbs can be followed by two objects – one
               indirect and one direct. Usually the indirect object refers to a person and
               comes first. We can also put the indirect object after the direct object. In this
               case it normally has a preposition

               .              ► Michael sent the nurse some flowers. (= Michael sent some
                                  flowers to the nurse.)
                              ► Mother bought me a new bicycle. (= Mother bought a new
                                  bicycle for me.)

                     Questions                                                            Keywords
                                                                                      Chowchow / takes /
               1. Who usually does the housework in your house?                      walk / play with / wish

               2. How often do you do housework?
               3. What kind of housework do you do?
               4. What items do you recycle?
               5. Are there Laundromats in your country?
                                                                                       Vocabulary &
                     Sample Answers
                                                                                 laundry: Clothes, sheets, etc.
               1. My wife does most of the housework in my                       that need to be washed or
                                                                                 have just been washed
                   house.                                                        recycle: To put used objects
               2. I try to help my wife to do housework at least                 or materials through a special
                                                                                 process so that they can be
                   three times a week.                                           used again
               3. I clean the rooms, wash the dishes and take                    Lanundromat: A place
                   care of the garden.                                           where coin – operated
                                                                                 washing machines and
               4. I recycle cans and paper.                                      tumble driers are used by
               5. No, there are no Laundromats in Korea, but                     customers for washing
                                                                                 and drying clothes
                  there are dry cleaners.

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