Page 64 - PowerE-L03-C
P. 64
Lesson 16
Expressing feelings
When someone passed away, I express
my sincerest condolences.
Julie has such a long face because she
failed the exam.
Michael is so happy because he got a
raise this month.
*such + article + adjective + noun
► Mary has such a beautiful smile.
► They have such an amazing voice.
passed away /
Questions condolences / long /
failed / raise
1. What do you do when you feel down?
2. Who do you share your personal problems with?
3. What do you do when you have good news?
4. Are you good at expressing your feelings?
5. Have you ever been to a funeral? If so, how was it?
Vocabulary &
Sample Answers Expressions
pass away: An expression
meaning to die, used
1. I go to the movies alone. because you want to avoid
2. I usually talk to my close friends. upsetting someone by say
this directly
3. I call my mother or friends to share the good news. condolence: Sympathy for
someone who has had
4. Yes. I cannot hide my emotions. They are shown something bad happen to
on my face. them, especially when
someone has died
5. Yes. I’ve been to the funeral several times. a long face: An unhappy or
worried expression
It was so sad that I couldn’t stay for long. raise: An increase in the
money you earn