Page 76 - PowerE-L03-C
P. 76
Lesson 19
My father always gives me a souvenir
when returning from his business trip.
My mother likes collecting souvenirs and
displays them in the living room.
I don’t want to splurge on buying
souvenirs when traveling abroad.
souvenir / business trip /
collecting / splurge /
Grammar abroad
*reduce clauses with when : It is often possible to leave out subject + be
after when, especially when it means ‘whenever’.
► Don’t forget to signal when turning right.
► I listen to music when having lunch in the office.
1. Could you recommend some famous Korean
souvenirs for the foreigners?
2. What did you buy as souvenirs from the place you
have visited?
3. Where do you buy souvenirs?
4. Where do you usually get the traveling information?
5. What other things would you like to do other than
going on a sightseeing tour? Vocabulary &
Sample Answers souvenir: An object that
1. I think fans and chopsticks would be good as you keep to remind yourself
of a special occasion or a
Korean souvenirs. place you have visited
2. When I visited Canada, I bought Maple syrup display: To show goods for
sale in a shop or paintings,
and Ice wine as souvenirs. historical objects, etc. in a
3. I usually buy souvenirs at the airport. public place
4. I usually search the Internet to get the traveling splurge: To spend more
money than you can usually
information. afford
5. I would like to go shopping and eat various foods.