Page 9 - PowerE-L03-C
P. 9
What is the word being described in the sentence?
1. A _________ is a time devoted for rest and relaxation without
A. vacation B. overtime C. recess
2. _________ refers to something that is not native or things that
come from another place.
A. exotic B. exact C. static
3. The clapping of hands to show appreciation is called to ________.
A. applause B. pause C. pound
4. A ________ is a place where people usually go for relaxation or
A. resort B. hospital C. office
5. ______ is another word for taking a trip or a journey by car, train,
plane or a ship.
A. travel B. walk c. stay
Choose the correct word to complete the prepositional phrase.
1. At the end of the (mass, church), people left the chapel.
2. At the end of the (game, gaming), the players shook hands.
3. At the end of the (day, daylight), the workers go home.
4. At the end of the (program, programming), all the guest left the
5. At the end of the (journey, journeyed), all the tourists felt tired.