Page 110 - SB_G4.1_M1-5_Flip
P. 110

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                                                           & SIGHT

                                                  4  When it is dark at bedtime and you want to read,
                                                    you turn your lamp on. We use light from lamps to

                                                    see when it is dark.

                                                    Luminous Things

                                                  5  Things that give off light are luminous. The sun is
                                                    luminous. We use light from the sun to see things
                                                    during the day. Lamps, fires, televisions, and

                                                    flashlights are luminous, too.

                                                    Making Shadows

                                                  6  Light from luminous objects travels in straight lines.
                                                    It can move through clear things such as air, water,
                                                    and glass. That is how windows let light inside our
                                                    homes so we can see. We say clear things are

                                                    transparent. If you close your curtains, you stop
                                                    light from getting inside. The curtains are opaque
                                                    (o-pake). Opaque things do not let light through.

                                                                                              When light cannot pass
                                                                                              through something, it
                                                                                              can create a shadow.

                                                      luminous  If something is luminous, it gives off light.
                                                      transparent  If an object is transparent, you can see through it.

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