Page 97 - SB_G4.1_M1-5_Flip
P. 97

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                  REVISE AND EDIT                                                             Review your draft.

               The revision and editing steps give you a chance to look carefully at your writing

               and make it even better. Work with a partner to determine whether your
               characters are clearly described or if there are parts of the story that you could

               make more exciting. Use these questions to help you evaluate and improve
               your story.

                      PURPOSE/            ORGANIZATION            EVIDENCE              LANGUAGE/            CONVENTIONS
                        FOCUS                                                          VOCABULARY
                 … …Is my story        … …Does my story      … …Did I use text     … …Did I use words     … …Have I used
                    entertaining for      have a clear          evidence to           such as first, next,   correct spelling?
                    readers?              beginning,            describe the          then, and finally
                                          middle, and end?      characters?           to show the order   … …Did I indent each
                 … …Have I shown                                                      of events?             new paragraph?
                    how the            … …Have I provided a   … …Did I show how
                    characters work       strong                their experiences                         … …Did I use a variety
                    together to solve     conclusion?           helped them                                  of sentence
                    a problem?                                  solve the                                    types?

                  PUBLISH                                                                     Share your work.

               Create a Finished Copy  Make a final copy of your story. You may want to

               include illustrations or present it in a graphic novel format. Consider these
               options to share your story:

                   1  Publish your story on a school or class website.

                   2  Add your story to an “Adventures of Ulysses and Kitoto” station
                       in the classroom.

                   3  Work with other students to present the story to the class as a

                       readers’ theater.

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