Page 44 - TOEFL_Basic-2
P. 44

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        Getting Ready to Speak

        A.  Learn the words.

           holiday       a day to celebrate a special  person or event, often connected to
           celebration   an  event to show happiness about something
           pray          to speak to  a god in  order to ask for help or to  give thanks
           war           a long armed fight between groups or countries

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           ceremony      a ritual  for a formal occasion
           religion      a set of beliefs  based on  faith
           national      associated with  a country
           honor         to  respect
           resist        to refuse to  give in

        B.  Read  the prompt. Then answer the questions.
                       Talk about the  most recent holiday that you  celebrated.
           1.  Which  holiday did you  celebrate?
              I recently celebrated
           2.  What did you  do that was  special to celebrate that day?
              For            . I
           3.  Did  you  enjoy the  holiday? Why?
              I enjoyed/didn’t enjoy the  holiday because

        g 딩  Now practice the questions and answers with a partner.

           C.  Listen and repeat.

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