Page 50 - TOEFL_Basic-2
P. 50

‘ ; D.  Listen to the sample response and complete the outline.
              The man thinks the picnic is
              A.  Thinks it  is a waste
                1.  of
                2.  of
              B.  The  man  says
                1.  the university should buy
                2.  the  library needs
              C.  He  decides that he won ’t

        률 톨 E.  Now work with a partneι Take turns saying your own response using the
                outline from above.
                Your time:        seconds       Yo니 r  partner’s time:    seconds

        F.  Fill in the blanks with the correct words.

                attendance      essential    Impose      protest     voucher

           1.  A meal               can  be traded  in  for food  in  a cafeteria.
           2.  Many people               by carrying  signs on  the  street
           3.  Parents often             curfews on  teenagers
           4.  Perfect              is one way to  ensure that you are learning the most
              you  can  in  the classroom.
           5.  Having a passport is             when traveling.

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