Page 62 - TOEFL_Basic-2
P. 62
Step 4
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The lecture and the passage were about
A. Yellowstone Park
1. Is said to be on
2. Has several
B. Yellowstone Caldera is
C. Old lava covers
D. Under the park
1. This is covered
2. It can escape
3. This steam also heats
Step 5
ponse using your outline from above.
The passage and the lecture were about
Underneath Yellowstone Park is one of the best known
. The park has
One of them, called Yellowstone Caldera, is an
In the park, old lava
Underneath the park is
which is covered in . This can
The steam and magma also heat
률 ~ Work with a partner. Take turns saying your response. Then change partners
two more times. Time yourselves!
Your time seconds Partner one’s time: seconds
Your time: seconds Partner two’s time: seconds
Your time: seconds Partner three’s tíme seconds
UNIT Integrated 73