Page 69 - TOEFL_Basic-2
P. 69

-- ….r각까각iIi떠ïl. .....
        Step 1
         eaa  lhe prompt.

             Some  people  like  being  involved  in  school  activities  and  others  prefer  their
             activities to  be  away from  school.  Describe your favorite  activity ‘  Who  do you
             do it with  and  where do you  do it?

        Step 2
        (."' .. ‘'" all outline for your response.

                 School Activities             Activities away from school
                 Good reasons:

                 Bad reasons:

                 I  prefer:

        Step 3
             a  It:sponse using your outline.

                I prefer to  do
              My favorite
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        톨 ?  Work with a parmet Take turns saying your response- Then change partners
              two more times. Time yourselves!
              Your time:       seconds        Partner one’s time:       seconds
              Your time:       seconds        Partner two’s time:       seconds
              Your time        seconds        Partner three’s time      seconds

       80   Speaking
   64   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74