Page 76 - TOEFL_Basic-2
P. 76
D. Listen to the sample response and complete the outline.
The conversation is about
A. Should take the course because
1. the teacher is
2. the student needs
3. she really
B. Should go to basketball practice beca니 se
1. it is her
2. she has been
3. she has to
4. she has a
Conclusion: 1 think
E. Write your own conclusion using the outline from above.
Conclusion ’ 1 think
t ~ F. Now work with a partner. Take turns saying your own response using the
outline from above.
Your time seconds Your partner’s time: seconds
G. FiII in the blanks with the correct words.
absence anthropology coach passlon qualify
1. Every spαts team needs a
2. In a small class, teachers notice every
3. It is important to have a for what you do.
4. It is very difficult to for the Olympic Games.
5. is the study of humans.
Integrated 87