Page 179 - BenchMark_6-1
P. 179

The Starry, Starry Night

                                                                                 The Starry Night, created in 1889,

                                                                           is arguably van Gogh’s most famous

                                                                           n. a person whose job is to give their opinions about books, movies, or works of art
                                                                           painting. Critics believe the idea for the

                                                                          painting came from his memories of

                                                                          life in Holland. On the left is a cypress

                      The Starry Night (1889)                             tree with branches rising like flames. In
                      is one of van Gogh’s

                      most famous paintings.                              the valley is a quiet village of small

               houses and a tall pointed church tower.

                                                                                                                                        Unit 5 | The Starry, Starry Night
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